Nth RooCH

CRank: 5Score: 3710

Wow. I wouldn't have been close were I to try to guess some of these stats. Would be really interesting to read PS3 and Wii's.

6212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Home has big shoes to fill. Whilst the PS2 totally owned the Xbox in sales, Xbox had the absolute corner for online play. When PS2 did release it's online functionality, it was too little too late. Laggy as hell, totally unimpressive. The Xbox maintained a high level of quality, and even into the 360 has still pretty much cornered the market. Hence the reason that most of the PS2 killer apps are single player (Sotc, Gow, FFX etc), where Xbox are multiplayer (Halo, PGR, Gow, Forza etc). ...

6212d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


6212d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about? How on earth can this be a viral campaign, it's a fact. Look at the armyjobs.mod.uk website, watch the third filmstrip. Watch it in action.

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm guessing you don't often read games lists right? 360 has quite a lot coming out in '08, you just haven't looked. Or if you have, you've been wearing your fanboy glasses. This (if it's true) is a good thing for the PS3, in fact, it's possibly the greatest thing to happen in it's life thus far. Why spoil that by attacking a console that has nothing to do with this news? Seriously, it's just very, very sad.

6213d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Riiiiight. So because Halo 3 is getting attention (I'd wager deservedly so) this guy is going to post about a few games that have none of the selling power... for no reason whatsoever. And this was worth a thread why? It's an opinion piece, and a particularly lame one at that.

6213d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I only just saw the advert on television, so where the story itself may be old, the advertisement certainly isn't. That in itself may at least warrant the thread.

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't know they'd confirmed full face customisation! I'd heard they were sticking with the default face. This is phenomenal news.

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are playing a game, the environments craft the immersive quality of a game. As you wander through a city, for the city to remain looking as it should really gets you into the game, make you feel you are there. But for the textures to be bland as you walk through a door, only to load a second later, doesn't exactly give it that immersive feeling. It's not like that has ever happened to you in real life, y'know?

You've never had texture...

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest, I don't agree. Both games really just don't have that epic quality that insinuates killer app. One is a cutesy platformer, which is fun, but certainly not console defining. And the other is just Tomb raider without the tits. I think if you peel back the fanboy luster, both will simply be good games, just like Lost Planet and Viva Pinata were for 360. Both of those were great games, but not exactly killer apps.

6213d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure this game could be substandard and still get incredible scores. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the game IS substandard, but it's one of those games people are going to score highly regardless, just due to pedigree. Halo 1 and 2 were both well recieved because they were released at the perfect time, and for their tenure pretty much defined the genre. I think Halo 3's release will do no different.

The only thing I worry about is campaign length.

6213d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubble get!

6213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Calling Ninja Gaiden sigma an exclusive is a bit generous don'tcha think? I'd say MGS4, Tekken 6, Gran Turisimo 5 and Killzone 2 are going to be the only killer apps, and they're not exactly coming out soon.

6213d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Loading. Almost every game I've ever played with the unreal 3 engine has a ridiculous problem with loading up the textures and skins. You'll find as soon as you enter a new area in any game using the engine, everything for a second or two will be completely plain, followed up by the appropriate texture. I really f***ing hate that because firstly it ruins the immersive element of the game, and secondly it can last for quite a while with relation to character skins. In Bioshock in particula...

6213d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Extending the warranty to an extra three years, costing over a billion dollars. Which does that fall under, profit or ethics?

6213d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Question, did they show Halo 3? Yes. Yes they did. A game not well recieved in Japan, a game certainly not what the Japanese consider "in", yet it was showed. This is a game show, just as E3 was a game show. The location is totally irrelevant, it is a worldwide showcase of system software. I suggest before posting in future, you actually read, and then perhaps consider the words you have in your post box before clicking "add reply".

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, I'm going to repeat myself, simply so you can see what you've just said.

"A location doesn't automatically insinuate the genre of games showed."

"I guess that depends on where the games show is held huh?"

Now read those two statements back to back and tell me, did you actually think before you posted?

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anyone genuinely reads s*** like "360 will be a distant third by two thousand and blah blah" or "PS3 will remain in third place going into two thousand and blah blah" you need a severe reality check. Everyone loves to think they know these things, but no one does. This "expert" analyst doesn't know what software will be available going into mid 2008, nevermind 2009. It's just another no hope journo hoping to get some notice for picking a side. Jog on "...

6214d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

E3 wasn't, yet it showed the range of games available. A location doesn't automatically insinuate the genre of games showed.

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

F***ing hell, about half the list was Square Enix, and about half the rest were other developer RPG's too. Where was Mass effect? Where was Killzone 2? Who the f*** cares about a Dragons quest sequel on the DS? God I hate top tens, they're always compiled by someone with a huge agenda.

6214d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment